Shop/Dress Clothing/Dress PantsGala Pants - Fabio Electric Blue$145.00LoyaltyBuy and earn $7.25 Loyalty for your next purchaseLoyalty is a discount program that lets you buy products and earn points to redeem on your next purchase. Your Loyalty balance is updated when you pay online or in-store. The Loyalty amount shown on this page can be recalculated at the checkout.Size3032343638Please chooseColourBluePlease choose1 available Add More Add to BagGo to CheckoutGala Pants - Fabio Electric BlueShop/Dress Clothing/Dress PantsProduct DetailsBrand: GalaThis Gala pant is constructed using a blended wool material that is sewn in Canada. This blend allows the pant to be machine washed. The fit is slim. 53% Polyester 45% Wool 2% Elasthan Cold, gentle wash. Hang to dry. may be dry cleaned.Show More